Fact or Fiction: Breast Implants Last Forever


Did you know that breast augmentation is the top cosmetic surgery performed in the United States? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons over 193,073 breast augmentations were performed in the United States by member surgeons in 2019. Most (84%) of all implants placed today are silicone, but saline devices are still available and in use.

The average lifespan of a breast implant is 10-15 years although many gel implants are intact over twenty or more years. The chance of implant rupture increases by 1% per year. Implant patients should visit their plastic surgeon for yearly check-ups and have regular screening mammograms. Did you know that implants actually make the breast tissue even easier to examine during a mammogram? The FDA now also recommends a screening MRI to detect implant rupture around every five years.

Gel implant rupture may be silent—that is—without any symptoms at all. In other cases the rupture produces what is called capsular contracture which results in a breast that is overly firm, possible misshaped and sometimes painful. Saline implant failure is easier to detect as the body absorbs the saline and the breast is obviously smaller. A saline deflation may occur slowly through a pinpoint hole.

What to do if you have an implant rupture? You definitely have options! Some patients elect to remove their implants all together. Some may have implants removed but replaced with their own body fat (autologous fat grafting). Others have an explantation (removal) and mastopexy (breast lift). Others replace their implants with the same type and size implants. Others choose to select smaller or larger implants. You and your surgeon should discuss which option best fits your long term goals. Dr. Chiasson loves the challenge of implant revision cases because each and every one is unique!


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