How much does a Mommy Makeover cost?


You want a Mommy Makeover — but what is the price for that better body you’re dreaming of?

There is no one price for a Mommy Makeover because each patient is unique and has different goals. It’s not a “one size fits all” operation. There are options for improving the appearance of your breasts, abdomen, trunk, and more.

Do your breasts need to be reduced? Enlarged? Lifted? Or lifted with volume added? Will the increased size come from an implant? If so, do you want saline or silicone gel implants? Or would you prefer to use your own tissue to create more volume? Autologous fat grafting (AFG) is a method in which fat is suctioned from one area of your body, processed carefully, and then added to your breasts.

There are also different types of abdominoplasties ranging from a mini-abdominoplasty to conventional abdominoplasty to the more extensive fleur de lis abdominoplasty. Suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) may be performed in the abdomen, flanks, hips, and back. Some patients request SAL of thighs as well. Rejuvenation of the external genitalia (labiaplasty) is yet another option.

Facility fees and anesthesia fees will vary with the total surgical time and the location of surgery. An overnight hospital stay is an added option if you want more post-operative nursing care. If you are from out of town you may want to stay at our partner the Renaissance Hotel Baton Rouge.

You deserve to feel good about your post-baby body! You will feel very comfortable talking with Dr. Chiasson about what’s bothering you. Together, you will create a plan that best suits you. Then a fee quote will be prepared specifically for you.

Confidence changes everything!


Mommy Makeover Q&A


What Can a Mommy Makeover Do For Me?