Breast Lift Surgery
Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to elevate and reshape sagging breasts and reposition the nipples to a more pleasing location. A number of conditions can cause your breasts to sag: pregnancy and breastfeeding, weight loss, or the natural aging process affecting the skin and breast glandular tissue.
Dr. Chiasson will carefully listen to your desired outcome and expectations and assist you in selecting the best approach to help you achieve your goals. If you desire an increase in breast size a gel implant can be placed at the time of the lift. As the implant increases the weight of the breast it is wise to avoid overly large implants. Also, should you desire a reduction in the size of your areola (the darker pigmented skin around the nipple), this can easily be addressed with the lift.
Ptosis (sagging) of the breast is graded in severity by the relationship between the location of the nipple relative to the inframammary fold (the crease below the breast). The degree of ptosis along with your desired outcome will determine the appropriate surgical choice. Minor lifting results in fewer incisions. If you have more severe sagging with the nipple falling below the fold longer incisions are necessary and will lead to longer scars. You will be instructed on how to care for your incisions and scars so that an optimal result can be achieved.
Breast lift is out-patient surgery performed under general anesthesia. The recovery time is relatively quick and you will be back to full activity in a few weeks.
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