Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast enhancement, also known as breast augmentation, is the #1 plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States. For many women, small breasts cause feelings of self-consciousness or create problems wearing certain clothes or swimsuits. For other women, loss of breast volume may occur after breastfeeding, weight loss, or just the passage of time.
Breast augmentation offers you the opportunity to transform your breast size and shape using breast implants. Dr. Chiasson will assist you in making a truly informed decision. She will listen carefully to your desires and together you will select the best size and style implant to achieve your goals. The size and type of the most suitable implant depends on many factors unique to you: desired size, anatomy, skin quality, and body type. You have choices in incision placement. The implant may be placed over or under the chest wall muscle. Dr. Chiasson will thoroughly discuss the pros and cons of these options with you.
Choosing an ideal breast size is a highly personal decision. Your ideal breast size may be different. Dr. Chiasson will never over-augment you such that you have long-term issues related to excessively large implants. While implants are not “forever” devices the fewer breast implant surgeries you have during your lifetime, the better.
The surgery is performed under General Anesthesia in an out-patient setting. Plan to take a few days off of work or household duties before resuming modified activity.

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