Tummy Tuck
An abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic body procedure for both men and women with loose abdominal skin and excess fat in the abdominal area. If you are bothered by these issues and are deemed by Dr. Chiasson to be a good candidate for surgery, a tummy tuck can transform the way you look and feel.
A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure nor is it designed to be a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. An ideal patient is the woman with a normal body mass index but excess abdominal skin following pregnancies. After pregnancy, you may be left with stretch marks, loose skin, and separation of your abdominal muscles (diastasis recti). You should not undergo tummy tuck if you are planning to have more children as another pregnancy will undo your results.
If you have a lesser degree of skin excess and no muscle separation above your umbilicus (belly button) you may be a good candidate for a modified or mini-abdominoplasty. This results in a shorter scar and a quicker recovery. Both standard and mini-abdominoplasty can be combined with carefully performed liposuction.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient. In healthy, carefully selected patients a tummy tuck can be combined with a hysterectomy or other gynecologic surgery. This will require an overnight hospital stay. You should plan to take about 10-14 days before returning to work and several weeks until you resume full activities.

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