Brow Lift


A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure to raise the eyebrows. It is also known as a forehead lift or forehead  rejuvenation. Aging typically causes the brows to move down. The lower position of the eyebrows may  cause you to look tired, angry, or sad. A brow lift will raise brows that are hooding the upper eyelids and  reposition them in an alert and youthful position. It will also reduce horizontal forehead lines and soften frown lines. Removing excess tissue, altering muscles, and tightening the forehead skin results in a  relaxed and more youthful appearance. 

A forehead lift may be performed alone or with other facial rejuvenation surgeries such and facelift,  blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or autologous fat grafting (AFG). The browlift may be done through  three small scalp incisions (endoscopic brow lift), or an incision at the hairline or scalp (coronal brow  lift). 

At your consultation Dr. Chiasson will listen carefully to your concerns to create a customized surgical plan. All patients interested in facial rejuvenation will receive a complimentary skin evaluation. 

The surgery is done under general anesthesia as an outpatient. Recovery time varies depending on the  treatment plan selected. Results are best enhanced and maintained with proper skincare.


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